
Congratulations !

Based on your application, your new, very important profession under the Green New Deal will be Period Blood Artist and your new salary will be $531,245/yr.

Period Blood Artist: $531,245/yr Uncommon

It's only true art as long as it doesn't resemble anything and makes bigots confused or disgusted. Bonuses available if your work attacks Christianity.

Share your new career!

882,098 other people have declared themselves Unwilling to Work at a total income of $27,535,888,785,722/yr

How do we pay for $27,535,888,785,722/yr? Easy!
  • Tax the rich (top 90%) at 371% of their income
  • Tax the uber-rich (top 49%) at 1471% of their income
  • Tax the top 1% (BAD!) at 2471% of their income
  • Print an additional $237,234,123,122
  • Grow an additional $345,344,113,566 from money trees